Prayers and Rituals

Hail Mary
Hail Mary, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy!
Our life, our sweetness, and our hope.
To you we raise our hands, our eyes, and our hearts.
Blessed are you above all else, Maiden, Mother, Crone.
From your dark womb sprang the light, the void filled.
Be with us Mary, now and in the hour of our death.

Flowers: Lily (purity, joy), Rose (beauty, love), Iris (hope, messages), Carnation (tears of Mary on the road to Calvary), Forget Me Not (supposedly the eye color of Mary), English Primrose (symbol of the feast of Corpus Christi)
Plants and Trees: Yew (rebirth), Birch (grace), Moss (maternal love)
Animals: dove, bee
Flowers: Marigold (sorrow), Balm (sympathy), Nightshade (secrets)
Flowers: Dandelion (oracle)
Stones: Moonstone (full moon, peacefulness), Pearl (compassion)
Bread Ritual
Tools: abalone shell filled w/ dirt or honey, white candle, cup of milk or pomegranate juice, bread, linen cloth
How: Take a bath, and bring the offering of bread and either milk or juice to the altar with you. Relax, and regulate your breathing. Light the candle, positioning the offering next to it, and focusing upon the flame or an inner visualization of the Mother. Recite the simple words:
"She who is All, She who has always been. Know the face, and hear the voice, of one who has need of you this night. I bring an offering, to She who brings balance to all things. Please be with me. Join me in this place. Blessed is the Mother, and the fruit of her womb."
Be aware of changes in your physical environment, as well as your inner voice. Continue to focus, and communicate to her your love. When you are done, thank her for her speaking to you, and divide the bread. Eat a portion of the bread, and drink from the cup. Leave the remainder of each as offering in place for her, and let energy flow back out into the space or perform a formal grounding.
Creating sacred space
Altar building
Tools, cleansing and consecrating
Book of Shadows/Prayer Book

Divination (tea leaves, scrying, crystal ball)
Basic magick (candles, symbolic, gris-gris bags)

Totems and animal guides
Spirit work and mediumship
Intermediate magick (protective, banishing, drama)

Advanced magick (angelic)
Death rituals
