Thursday, June 10, 2010


This is a repost from its original placement on my web site. There were so many memories, and conversations entailing those memories, that I wanted to be able to place them in a central location with a blog type format.

Though most sources credit jinn as having been created by God (Allah), one has to remember that the victors write the histories, and Arabia is not the place it once was. Djinn are shifters, and typically prefer to become large cats (often black), snakes or dogs (although they can take whatever form they choose). "Beth Fasi'el near Palmyra pays tribute to the "Ginnaye", the "good and rewarding gods"[6] providing a sharp resemblance to the Latin Genius and Juno: The Guardian Spirits. The social organization of the jinn community resembles that of humans - such as they have kings, courts of law, weddings, and mourning rituals.[17]" (Wiki)

Djinn are known to whisper a great deal, possess black wings in their form most often seen by humans, and were originally formed of fire or smoke. By the time of Islam, they were viewed as primarily malicious, although modern sources concede that they may be either "good" or "bad" because of the free will component, and they follow human pantheons that interest them (i.e. not always God). They are connected to the concept of fate, and Iblis, the being that refused to submit to Adam. Sound familiar? Yes, Shatain, i.e. Satan. Which means there is a connection to Azazel as well, although it's debatable if it's the same Azazel we know here. [By here, I meant The Shadow of the Fallen Forum where I first wrote this.]

On a more personal level, jinn's likes and dislikes:

warm climates (yes)
dark locations (yes)
scents: patchouli and dark cherry (Nox requested this, but I'd never heard of it)
colors: black, gray, purple
plants: honeysuckle, lavender (I'm allergic), plumeria, sage (The other plant to which I'm allergic)

salt (yes)
iron and steel (Iron stinks, and I'm allergic to steel)