

Black: regeneration, despair, destruction, loss, melancholy, ward off negativity, dark aspect of deity

Blue: devotion, fidelity, inspiration, serenity, tranquility, wisdom, confidence

Brown: growth, practicality, solidity

Gold: wealth, recognition, long life, ambitions, sun

Gray: adaptability, compromise, psychic protection

Green: abundance, wealth, luck, harmony, immortality, vigor

Orange: fertility, health, encouragement, justice

Pink: affection, friendship, gentleness, marriage, morality

Purple: ambition, prestige, progress, psychic ability

Red: blood, courage, creation, love, enthusiasm, sexuality, warmth

Silver: maturity, intuition, the goddess, visions

Violet: healing, innocence, piety, truth, spirituality, affection

Yellow: charm, travel, confidence, communication

White: cleanliness, hope, innocence, peace, light, the goddess, the moon

Astrological Associations

Aries: red
Taurus: pink
Gemini: yellow
Cancer: silver
Leo: gold
Virgo: brown
Libra: blue
Scorpio: indigo
Sagittarius: orange
Capricorn: black
Aquarius: white
Pisces: purple

Dark Gems

Amber: past life work
Amethyst: remembering dreams; calming; end sleeplessness
Andalusite: draws the four elements
Angelite: calls angels and spirit guardians
Aragonite: reduces nightmares
Black Obsidian: divination and grounding
Bloodstone: invisibility; slow bleeding
Blue Calcite: energy amplifier
Blue Lace Agate: reduces quarrels
Carnelian: sexual energy
Cat's Eye: dispels unwanted energy; mental balance
Chrysophase: fades in sunlight; alleviates nervousness and nightmares
Citrine: never collects negative energy
Diamond: repels negative magick; stop nightmares; calms anger
Garnet: blood magick
Hematite: releases negativity
Jade: protection from accidents
Jasper: uncover hidden things; dispels depression
Lapis Lazuli: depression cure
Lepidolite: anti-depressant
Lodestone: grounding
Moonstone: lunar work; avert trouble during travel
Mugglestone: grounding
Onyx: protection; spiritual fortitude
Opal: binds prying eyes; keep secrets
Pearl: moonlight; purity
Peridot: ward off depression; divination aide
Petrified Wood: past-life regression
Ruby: dispel bad thoughts; end fights
Sapphire: reveal treachery
Sardonyx: aide self-control
Silver: lunar energy
Sodalite: relieve stress and anger
Tektite: journeywork
Topaz: shield against negative magick
Turquoise: end hatred; relieve headaches
Zircon: rid suspicion; end jealousy


Beer: purification; healing; blessings; vows
Cider: health
Coffee: prayer; alertness; energy
Cranberry Juice: bittersweet intentions
Mead: eloquence; creativity, strength
Milk: Mother aspect of the goddess; the moon
Orange Juice: vitality
Tea: divination efforts; courage
Water: purification; cleansing
Wine: celebration; luck


Boil: release energy
Concentrate: augment power
Dilute: decrease; banishing
Distilled: banishing
Freeze: slow or halt
Heat: activate; passion


Animal Crackers: animal attributes, honor totem

Apple: resurrection and mystic union; the core is a pentacle; peeling an apple without breaking the skin may be used to find the first letter of your wife/husband; its association with Hecate led to the belief apples were poisoned

Apple Sauce: peace, love

Baking Soda: increase energy

Bean: female genitalia, used to exorcise bad spirits in Rome

Beef: abundance, prosperity

Bread: providence, sustenance (spiritual)

Cake: celebration, renewal, Mary connotations

Cereal: Earth magick, grounding, protection

Cherry: sexual energy, the Virgin aspect of the goddess

Fig: female genitalia

Fish: bounty, providence

Honey: female energy, industry, Mary and Isis connections

Mola (salted flour): preservation, Roman sacrifices were sprinkled with this mixture

Pomegranate: fertility in the uterus, eaten by those in the underworld; the fruit eaten by Eve in the Garden of Eden

Salt: preservation, mixed with water to imitate fetal fluid as in natron


Herb/Plant   Magickal Properties and Uses
Acacia: Protection, psychic powers
Allspice: Money, luck, healing
Almond: Money, prosperity, wisdom
Amber: For stability, self-confidence, and peace
Ambergris: To awacken love and emotion
Angelica: Root Used for protection and exorcism and to cause visions
Anise: Protection, purification, youth
Apple: Blossom For love and friendship
Balm of Gilead: Attract new love, mend broken heart, protection, healing
Bayberry: Money, good luck, peace, harmony, well-being
Benzoin: Purification, prosperity
Bergamot: Money, hex-breaking
Blessed Thistle: For purification and protection from evil, used in hex-breaking spells
Buckeye: Carry to attract money and to ward off aches and pains
Camphor: To awaken past life memories, stimulates psychic awareness
Carnation: Protection, strength, healing, vitality
Catnip: Creates a psychic bond with cats, attracts good spirits, love and luck
Cedar: Healing, courage, purification, protection, money, hex-breaking
Chamomile: For sleep and meditation, and to attract money
Cherry: Divination, love
Cinnamon: Lust, love, success, power, psychic awareness, healing, protection
Clove: Money, love, lust, exorcism, protection
Clover: Protection, money, love, fidelity, success, exorcism
Coltsfoot: Draws peace and tranquility, promotes visions, also used in spells involving animals
Comfrey: For safety during travel and to draw money
Cyclemen: To draw love and truth
Cypress: For comfort and solace, to ease feelings of loss
Damiana: Used for lust and love
Dragon's Blood: Power amplifier, protection, love, banishing, potency
Eucalyptus: Healing, protection
Five Finger Grass (cinquefoil): Protection, prophetic dreams, wisdom, and success in court cases
Frankincense: Spirituality, protection, exorcism, consecration
Galangal: For courage, strength, and for avoiding legal problems
Gardenia: Love, peace, healing, spirituality
Geranium: For fertility, health and love
Ginger: Success, power, money, love
Ginseng: For attracting love, luck and health
Gota Kola: Meditation
Heliotrope: To attract money and gain power
Hemlock: To induce astral projection, to purify magickal knives or swords
Hibiscus: For love, lust, divination
Honeysuckle: Money drawing, psychic awareness, memory, healing, power,honesty
Hops: Healing, sleep
Hyacinth: For love and protection
Hyssop: Purification, protection
Jasmine: Love, prophetic dreams, money, sleep, love, healing, health, meditation
John the Conqueror: Money, love, happiness, hex-breaking, protection
Juniper Berries: Protection, health, increases psychic powers
Lavender: Chastity, love, peace, happiness, clairvoyance, longevity, sleep, protection
Lemon: Longevity, purification, love, friendship
Lemongrass: For lust, psychic powers and to repel snakes
Lilac: Protection, banishing
Lily of the Valley: For peace, harmony and love
Lotus: Spirituality, love, protection
Magnolia: Peace, nature spells, hair growth
Mandrake: For protection, fertility, money and love
Marigold: Protection, prophetic dreams, legal matters, psychic powers
Mistletoe: Protection, love, fertility, health, exorcism
Mugwart: Strength, psychic powers, healing, astral projection
Musk: Courage, fertility, lust
Myrrh: Spirituality, healing, protection, exorcism, transformation, consecration
Narcissus: For peace and harmony
Nutmeg: Fidelity, luck, money, health
Orange: Divination, love, luck, money
Orange Blossom: For beauty, love
Orris: For love
Passion Flower: Peace, sleep, friendship
Patchouli: Fertility, lust, money, protection, divination
Pennyroyal: For strength, protection, peace
Peppermint: Love, psychic awareness, lust, mental stimulant, energy
Pine: Healing, protection, exorcism, fertility, money
Plumeria: For love
Primrose: For protection and love
Rose: Love, beauty, psychic powers, divination, healing, luck, protection
Rose Geranium: Protection, fertility, love, health
Rosemary: Mental powers, youth, protection, love, lust, purification, sleep, exorcism
Rue: Healing, mental powers, protection, love
Sage: Wisdom, animal guides, wishes, immortality
Sandalwood: Spirituality, protection, wishes, healing, exorcism
Sassafras: Health and money
Spearmint: Healing, love, mental powers
Spikenard: For good luck, fidelity, and health
Strawberry: Love, luck and beauty
Sweet Pea: For friendship, courage and strength
Tangerine: Psychic powers, mental powers
Tea Tree: Healing, anti-fungal
Tonka Beans: Love, money, courage, wishes
Vanilla: Magickal powers, mental powers, love, lust, rejuvenation
Vervain: Love, protection, purification, peace, money, youth, healing
Vetivert: Hex breaking, peace, luck, love, protection, exorcism
Violet: Animal guide work, wishes, peace, love, luck, lust, protection
Witches Grass: Happiness, lust, love, exorcism
Wormwood: Psychic powers, calling spirits, protection, love
Yarrow Flowers: Courage, love, psychic powers, exorcism
Yerba Santa: Beauty, healing, psychic powers, protection
Ylang Ylang: Love, lust, peace

2nd List
Acicia: Protection, Psychic Powers
Adam & Eve Roots: Love, Happiness
Adders Tongue: Healing
African Violet: Spirituality, Protection
Agaric: Fertility
Agrimony: Protection, Sleep
Ague Root: Protection
Alfalfa: Prosperity, Anti-hunger, Money
Alkanet: Purification, Prosperity
Allspice: Money, Luck, Healing
Almond: Money, Prosperity, Wisdom
Aloe: Protection, Luck
Aloes, Wood: Love, Spirituality
Althea: Protection, Psychic Powers
Alyssum: Protection, Moderating Anger
Amaranth: Healing, Protection, Invisibility
Anemone: Health, Protection, Healing
Angelica: Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Visions
Apple: Love, Healing, Garden Magic, Immortality
Apricot: Love
Arabic Gum: Purify negativity and evil
Arbutus: Exorcism, Protection
Asafoetida: Exorcism, Purification, Protection
Ash: Protection, Prosperity, Sea Rituals, Health
Aspen: Eloquence, Anti-Theft
Aster: Love
Avens: Exorcism, Purification, Love
Avocado: Love, Lust, Beauty
Bachelor's Buttons: Love
Balm, Lemon: Love, Success, Healing
Balm of Gilead: Love, Manifestations, Protection, Healing
Bamboo: Protection, Luck, Hex-Breaking, Wishes
Banana: Fertility, Potency, Prosperity
Banyan: Luck
Barley: Love, Healing, Protection
Basil: Love, Exorcism, Wealth, Flying, Protection
Bay: Protection, Psychic Powers, Healing, Purification, Strength
Bean: Protection, Exorcism, Wart Charming, Reconciliations, Potency, Love
Bedstraw/Fragrant: Love
Beech: Wishes
Beet: Love
Belladonna: astral projection *DEADLY POISON!!
Benzoin: Purification, Prosperity
Bergamot, Orange: Money
Be-Still: Luck
Betony/wood: Protection, Purification, Love
Birch: Protection, Exorcism, Purification
Bistort: Psychic Powers, Fertility
Bittersweet: Protection, Healing
Blackberry: Healing, Money, Protection
Bladderwrack: Protection, Sea Spells, Wind Spells, Money, Psychic Powers
Bleeding Heart: Love
Bloodroot: Love, Protection, Purification
Bluebell: Luck, Truth
Blueberry: Protection
Blue Flag: Money
Bodhi: Fertility, Protection, WIsdom, Meditation
Boneset: Protection, Exorcism
Borage: Courage, Psychic Powers
Bracken: Healing, Rune Magic, Prophetic Dreams
Brazil Nut: Love
Briony: Image Magic, Money, Protection
Bromeliad: Protection, Money
Broom: Purification, Protection, Wind Spells, Divination
Buchu: Psychic Powers, Prophetic Dreams
Buckthorn: Protection, Exorcism, Wishes, Legal Matters
Buckwheat: Money, Protection
Burdock: Protection, Healing
Cabbage: Luck
Cactus: Protection, Chastity
Calamus: Luck, Healing, Money, Protection
Camellia: Riches
Camphor: Chastity, Health, Divination
Caper: Potency, Lust, Luck
Carawy: Protection, Lust, Health, Anti-theft, Mental Powers
Cardamon: Lust, Love
Carnation: Protection, Strength, Healing
Carob: Protection, Health
Carrot: Fertility, Lust
Cascara Sagrada: Legal Matters, Money, Protection,
Cashew: Money
Castor: Protection
Catnip: Cat Magic, Love, Beauty, Happiness
Cattail: Lust
Cedar: Healing, Purification, Money, Protection
Celandine: Protection, Escape, Happiness, Legal Matters
Celery: Mental Powers, Lust, Psychic Powers
Centaury: Snake Removing
Chamomile: Money, Sleep, Love, Purification
Cherry: Love, Divination
Chestnut: Love
Chickweed: Fertility, Love
Chicory: Removing Obstacles, Invisibility, Favors, Frigidity
Chili pepper: Fidelity, Hex Breaking, Love
China Berry: Luck
Chrysanthemum: Protection
Cinchona: Luck, Protection
Cinnamon: Spirituality, Success, Healing, Power, Psychic Powers, Lust Protection, Love
Cinquefoil: Money, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Sleep
Citron: Psychic Powers, Healing
Cloth of Gold: Understand animal languages
Clove: Protection, Exorcism, Love, Money
Clover: Protection, Money, Love, Fidelity, Exorcism, Success
Club Moss: Protection, Power
Coconut: Purification, Protection, Chastity
Cohosh, Black: Love, Courage, Protection, Potency
Coltsfoot: Love, Visions
Columbine: Courage, Love
Comfrey: Safety during travel, Money
Copal: Love, Purification
Coriander: Love, Health, Healing
Corn: protection, luck, divination
Cotton: Luck, Healing, Protection, Rain, Fishing Magic
Cowslip: Healing, Youth, Treasure Finding
Crocus: Love, Visions
Cubeb: Love
Cuckoo-flower: Fertility, Lover
Cucumber: Chastity, Healing, Fertility
Cumin: Protection, Fidelity, Exorcism
Curry: Protection
Cyclamen: Fertility, Protection, Happiness, Lust
Cypress: Longevity, Healing, Comfort, Protection
Daffodil: Love, Fertility, Luck
Daisy: Lust, Luck
Damiana: Lust, Love, Visions
Dandelion: Divination, Wishes, Calling Spirits
Datura: Hex Breaking, Sleep, Protection
Deerstongue: Lust, Psychic Powers
Devils Bit: Exorcism, Love, Protection, Lust
Devils Shoestring: Protection, Gambling, Luck, Power, Employment
Dill: Protection, Money, Lust, Luck
Dittany of Crete: Manifestations, Astral Projection
Dock: Healing, Fertility, Money
Dodder: Love, Divination, Knot Magic
Dogbane: Love
Dogwood: Wishes, Protection
Dragons Blood: Love, Protection, Exorcism, Potency
Dulse: Lust, Harmony
Dutchmans Breeches: Love
Ebony: Protection, Power
Echinacea: Strengthening Spells
Edelweiss: Invisibility, Bullet-Proofing
Elder: Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Prosperity, Sleep
Elecampane: Love, Protection, Psychic Powers
Elm: Love
Endive: Lust, Love
Eryngo: Travelers Luck, Peace, Lust, Love
Eucalyptus: Healing, Protection
Euphorbia: Purification, Protection
Eyebright: Mental Powers, Psychic Power
Fennel: Protection, Healing, Purification
Fenugreek: Money
Fern: Rain Making, Protection, Luck, Riches, Eternal Youth, Health, Exorcism
Feverfew: Protection
Fig: Divination, Fertility, Love
Figwort: Health, Protection
Flax: Money, Protection, Beauty, Psychic Powers, Healing
Fleabane: Exorcism, Protection, Chastity
Foxglove: Protection
Frankincense: Protection, Exorcism, Spirituality
Fumitory: Money, Exorcism
Fuzzy Weed: Love, Hunting
Galangal: Protection, Lust, Health, Money, Psychic Powers, Hex breaking
Gardenia: Love, Peace, Healing, Spirituality
Garlic: Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Lust, Anti-Theft
Gentian: Love, Power
Geranium: Fertility, Health, Love, Protection
Ginger: Love, Money, Success, Power
Ginseng: Love, Wishes, Healing, Beauty, Protection, Lust
Goats Rue: Healing, Health
Goldenrod: Money, Divination
Golden Seal: Healing, Money
Gorse: Protection, Money
Gotu Kola: Meditation
Gourd: Protection
Grain: Protection
Grains of Paradise: Lust, Luck, Love, Money, Wishes
Grape: Fertility, Garden Magic, Mental Powers, Money
Grass: Psychic Powers, Protection
Ground Ivy: Divination
Groundsel: Health, Healing
Hawthorn: Fertility, Chastity, Fishing Magic, Happiness
Hazel: Luck, Fertility, Anti-Lightning, Protection, Wishes
Heather: Protection, Rain Making, Luck
Heliotrope: Exorcism, Prophetic dreams, Healing, Wealth, Invisbility
Hellebore, Black: Protection *POISON*
Hemlock: Destroy sexual drives *POISON*
Hemp: Healing, Love, Vision, Meditation
Henbane: *POISON* Not used
Henna: Healing
Hibiscus: Lust, Love, Divination
Hickory: Legal Matters
High John the Conquerer: Money, Love, Success, Happiness
Holly: Protection, Anti-Lightning, Luck, Dream Magic
Honesty: Money, Repelling Monsters
Honeysuckle: Money, Psychic Powers, Protection
Hops: Healing, Sleep
Horehound: Protection, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Healing
Horse Chestnut: Money, Healing
Horseradish: Purification, Exorcism
Horsetail: Snake Charming, Fertility
Houndstongue: Tying dogs tongues
Houseleek: Luck, Protection, Love
Huckleberry: Luck, Protection, Dream Magic, Hex Breaking
Hyacinth: Love, Protection, Happiness
Hydrangea: Hex Breaking
Hyssop: Purification, Protection
Indian Paint Brush: Love
Iris: Purification, Wisdom
Irish Moss: Money, Luck, Protection
Ivy: Protection, Healing
Jasmine: Love, Money, Prophetic Dreams
Jobs Tears: Healing, Wishes, Luck
Joe-pye weed: Love, Respect
Juniper: Protection, Anti-theft, Love, Exorcism, Health
kava-Kave: Visions, Protection, luck
knotweed: Binding, Health
Ladys mantle: Love
Ladys slipper: Protection
Larch: Protection, Anti theft
Larkspur: Health, Protection
Lavendar: Love, Protection, Sleep, Chastity, Longevity, Purification,
Happiness, Peace
Leek: Love, Protection, Exorcism
Lemon: Longevity, Purification, Love, Friendship
Lemongrass: Repel snakes, Lust, Psychic powers
Lemon Verbena: Purification, Love
Lettuce: Chastity, Protection, Love, Divination, Sleep
Licorice: Love, Lust, Fidelity
Life Everlasting: longevity, Health, Healing
Lilac: Exorcism, Protection
Lily: Protection, Breaking Love spells
Lily of the Valley: Mental Powers, Happiness
Lime: Healing, Love, Protection
Linden: Protection, Immortality, Luck, Love, Sleep
Liquidamber: Protection
Liverwort: Protection
Liverwort: Love
Looestrife: Peace, Protection
Lotus: Protection, Lock-Opening
Lovage: Love
Love Seed: Love, Friendship
Lucky Hand: Employment, Luck, Protection, Money, Travel
Mace: Psychic Powers, Mental Powers
Maguey: Lust
Magnolia: Fidelity
Mahogany, mountain: Anti-Lightning
Maidenhair: Beauty, Love
Male Fern: Luck, Love
Mallow: Love, Protection, Exorcism
Mandrake: Protection, Love, Money, Fertility, Health
Maple: Love, Longevity, Money
Marigold: Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Legal Matters, Psychic Powers
Marjoram: Protection, love, Happiness, Health, Money
Master Wort: Strength, Courage, Protection
Mastic: Psychic Powers, Manifestations, Lust
May Apple: Money
Meadow Rue: Divination
Meadowsweet: Love, Divination, Peace, Happiness
Mesquite: Healing
Mimosa: Protection, Love, Prophetic Dreams, Purification
Mint: Money, Love, Lust, Healing, Exorcism, Travel, Protection
Mistletoe: Protection, Love, Hunting, Fertility, Health, Exorcism
Molukka: Protection
Moonwort: Money, Love
Moss: Luck, Money
Mugwort: Strength, Psychic Powers, Protection, Prophetic Dreams, Healing, Astral Projection
Mulberry: Protection, Strength
Mullein: Courage, Protection, Health, Love, Divination, Exorcism
Mustard: Fertility, Protection, Mental Powers
Myrrh: Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Spirituality
Myrtle: Love, Fertility, Youth, Peace, Money
Nettle: Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Lust
Norfolk Island Pine: Protection, Anti Hunger
Nuts: Fertility, Prosperity, Love, Luck
Oak: Protection, Health, Money, Healing, Potency, Fertility, Luck
Oats: Money
Olive: Healing, Peace, Fertility, Potency, Protection, Lust
Onion: Protection, Exorcism, Healing, Money, Prophetic Dreams, Lust
Orange: Love, Divination, Luck, Money
Orchid: Love
Oregon Grape: Money, Prosperity
Orris: Love, Protection, Divination
Palm, Date: Fertility, Potency
Pansy: Love, Rain Magic, Love, Divination
Papaya: Love, Protection
Papyrus: Protection
Parosela: Hunting
Parsley: Love, Protection, Purification
Passion Flower: Peace, Sleep, Friendship
Patchouly: Money, Fertility, Lust
Pea: Money, Love
Peach: Love, Exorcism, Longevity, . Fertility, Wishes
Pear: Lust, Love
Pecan: Money, Employment
Pennyroyal: Strength, Protection, Peace
Peony: Protection, Exorcism
Pepper: Protection, Exorcism
Peppermint: Purification, Sleep, Love, Healing, Psychic Powers
Pepper Tree: Purification, Healing, Protection
Periwinkle: Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Money, Protection
Persimmon: Changing Sex, Healing, Luck
Plot Weed: Protection
Pimento: Love
Pimpernel: Protection, Health
Pine: Healing, Fertility, Protection, Exorcism, Money
Pineapple: Luck, Money, Chastity
Pipsissewa: Money, Spirit Calling
Pistachio: Breaking Love Spells
Plantain: Healing, Protection, Strength, Snake Repelling
Plum: Healing
Plumeria: Love
Poke: Courage, Hex Breaking
Pomegranate: Divination, Luck, Wishes, Wealth, Fertility
Poplar: Money, Flying
Poppy: Fertility, Love, Sleep, Money, Luck, Invisibility
Potato: Image Magic, Healing
Prickly Ash: Love
Primrose: Protection, Love
Purslane: Sleep, Love, Luck, Protection, Happiness
Quassia: Love
Quince: Protection, Love, Happiness
Radish: Protection, Lust
Ragweed: Courage
Ragwort: Protection
Raspberry: Protection, Love
Rattlesnake Root: Protection, Money
Rhubarb: Protection, Fidelity
Rice: Protection, Rain, Fertility, Money
Roots: Protection, Power, Divination
Rose: Love, Psychic Powers, Healing, Love, Divination, Luck, Protection
Rosemary: Protection, Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Purification, Healing, Sleep, Youth
Rowan: Psychic Powers, Healing, Protection, Power, Success
Rue: Healing, Health, Mental Powers, Exorcism, Love
Rye: Love, Fidelity
Saffron: Love, Healing, Happiness, Wind Raising, Lust, Strength, Psychic Powers.
Sage: Immortality, Longevity, Wisdom, Protection, Wishes
Sagebrush: Purification, Exorcism
St.Johns Wort: Health, Power, Protection, Strength, Love, Divination, Happiness
Sandalwood: Protection, Healing, Exorcism, Spirituality
Sarsaparilla: Love, Money
Sassafras: Health, Money
Savory/Summer: Mental Powers
Scullcap: Love, Fidelity, Peace
Senna: Love
Sesame: Money, Lust
Shallot: Purification
Skunk Cabbage: Legal Matters
Slippery Elm: Halts Gossip
Sloe: Exorcism, Protection
Snakeroot: Luck Money
Snakeroot/black: Love, Lust, Money
Snapdragon: Protection
Solomons Seal: Protection, Exorcism
Sorrel Wood: Healing, Health
Southern Wood: Love, Lust, Protection
Spanish Moss: Protection
Spearmint: Healing, Love, Mental Powers
SpiderWort: Love
Spikenard: Love
Squill: Money, Protection, Hex Breaking
Star/anise: Psychic Powers, Luck
Stillengia: Psychic Powers
Straw: Luck, Image Magic
Strawberry: Love, Luck
Sugar Cane: Love, Lust
Sumbul: Love, Luck, Health, Psychic Powers
Sunflower: Fertility, Wishes, Health, Wisdom
Sweetgrass: Calling Spirits
Sweetpea: Friendship, Chastity, Courage, Strength
Tamarind: Love
Tamarisk: Exorcism, Protection
Tansy: Health, Longevity
Tea: Riches, Courage, Strength
Thistle: Strength, Protection, Hex Breaking, Healing
Thistle/holy: Purification, Hex Breaking
Thistle/milk: Snake enraging
Thyme: health, Healing, Sleep, Psychic Powers, Love, Purification, Courage
Ti: Protection, Healing
Toadflax: Protection, Hex Breaking
Toadstool: Rain Making
Tobacco: Healing, Purification
Turmeric: Purification
Turnip: Protection, Ending Relationships
Uva Ursa: Psychic Workings
Valerian: Love, Sleep, Purification, Protection
Vanilla: Love, Lust, Mental Powers
Venus Flytrap: Protection, Love
Vervain: Love, Protection, Purification, Peace, Money, Youth, Chastity, Sleep, Healing
Vetch/Giant: Fidelity
Vetivert: Love, Hex Breaking, Luck, Money, Anti-Theft
Violet: Protection, Luck, Love, Lust, Wishes, Peace, Healing, they represent being shy, as the flowers often hide behind the large leaves of the plant. They also represent faith, as alluded to in Shakespeare's Hamlet.
Wahoo: Hex-breaking, Courage, Success
Walnut: Health, Mental Powers, Infertility, Wishes
Wax Plant: Protection
Wheat: Fertility, Money
Willow: Love, Divination, Protection, Healing
Wintergreen: Protection, Healing, Hex Breaking
Winters Bark: Success
WItch Grass: Happiness, Lust, love, Exorcism
Witch Hazel: Protection, Chastity
Wolfs Bane: Protection, Invisibility
Wood Rose: Luck
Woodruff: Victory, Protection, Money
Wormwood: Psychic Powers, Protection, Love, Calling Spirits
Yarrow: Courage, Love, Psychic Powers, Exorcism
Yellow Evening Primrose: Hunting
Yerba Mate: Fidelity, Love, Lust
Yerba Santa: Beauty, Healing, Psychic Powers, Protection
Yew: Raising the Dead
Yohimbe: Love, Lust
Yucca: Transmutation, Protection, Purification

Sun Signs

ARIES: fiery, pioneering, competitive
TAURUS: earthy, stable, practical
GEMINI: dual, lively, versatile
CANCER: protective, traditional
LEO: dramatic, flamboyant, warm
VIRGO: conscientious, analytical
LIBRA: refined, fair, sociable
SCORPIO: intense, secretive, ambitious
SAGITTARIUS: friendly, expansive
CAPRICORN: cautious, materialistic
AQUARIUS: inquisitive, unpredictable
PISCES: responsive, dependent, fanciful

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic
by Scott Cunningham

The Book of Talismans, Amulets, and Zodiacal Gems
by William Thomas and Kate Pavitt, 1914
London: Cathedral House

The Witches' Almanac